Tuesday, March 26, 2013

To serve and protect

Life is more funny when you can be perfectly honest.  Rosie Dawn is a moniker.  I've been thinking about writing a blog for a very long time. In my imagination, my blog would be so successful that could tour the world with book signings and professional speaking gigs.  I've decided to give up my inevitable fame, and guaranteed success to remain anonymous.  These are the reasons I've decided to go the anonymous route:

Family/Friends/Clients will undoubtedly make their way into the blog as they are a huge part of my life.  I'll also protect their names, and do not want to have success by tarnishing anyones reputation.  However.... these people, whom I love tremendously, are too damn funny and seriously dilusional to not call it out..... my anonymity will at least let someone (should I ever have a reader) commiserate and find the ironic humor in the scenario.  Think Real Housewives, TeenMom, Celebrity Apprentice with a healthy dose of Dr. Phil. (We are seriously talking about wealthy stay at home moms, children having children (ok, really she is 24, but good-god that seams young), bankrupt friends who continue to overextend themselves financially, a therapist who thinks Yoga will solve all of life's problems, a husband who quit his job to go to school full time at the tender age of nearly 40, and  a Global VP of fortune 100 companies who drank so much during a business dinner that they literally fell off their chair.  -just the tip of the iceberg people. life is funny!!! Come along for the ride with me......)

I plan on discussing controversial topics that could possibly get me fired, divorced or just disliked by the masses.    I promise to spew my ironic humor if you promise not to judge and just enjoy this blog for what it is.... I am cowardly wizard, hiding be hind a curtain but at least I will make you laugh, and possibly quiet the crazy voices in my head by letting them speak via the keyboard.

If you like my blog, please promote it. Like it on Facebook or Pinterest, something.... because telling my family and friends to read it, is clearly not an option.

Cheers to a brighter tomorrow,

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